  • 室内设计教育家
  • 照明顾问
  • 厨卫设计师
  • 设计顾问
  • 企业主
  • 艺术总监
  • 设计经理


Want to 研究 and creatively solve problems relative to the function and quality of people's interior environments.


设计课程, 视觉和技术沟通技巧, as well as hands-on field experience in professional settings and the opportunity to study abroad.


  • 室内设计师
  • 市场营销及设计专员
  • 零售业务跟单
  • 制片设计师
  • 项目经理


The program focuses on improving the quality of life and protecting human health and safety through design of the interior environment. 学生学习设计基础知识, 理论, 过程, 沟通, 研究, and technology to identify and solve problems for a wide range of physical interior environments for all individuals.


服装系, 销售, 室内设计, and Hospitality Management offers an accredited undergraduate degree program in interior design. The first two years of the program introduce the fundamentals of design, 视觉和技术沟通技巧(包括起草), 透视图, 模型建立, 呈现, 计算机辅助设计), and theoretical and practical applications (including anthropometrics, 人体工程学, 包容性设计, 室内设计技术, 和色彩理论). Each student becomes aware that the interior design profession is exceedingly complex, and collaborating with design professionals and related disciplines in a team approach to problem-solving is routine practice.

从第一年开始一直到最后一个学期, 学生在行业参观期间与专业人士互动, 批评, and guest speaking events providing a direct connection to the interior design profession. Upper-division course work is focused on a series of integrated studio experiences and supporting courses including history, 循证设计, 内部材料, 专业实践, 建筑信息建模和室内系统. 工作室的经历在一个高级顶点项目中达到高潮. Studio experiences require that each student be exposed to a variety of projects at several different levels of complexity and different client project goals.


乐虎电子 interior design students are required to complete a field experience between the third and fourth year of the program. 学生 accept a variety of positions throughout the United States and abroad. 学生 have completed field experiences in places such as Los Angeles, 明尼阿波里斯市, 丹佛, 佛罗里达, 纽约, 爱尔兰, 上海(中国).


入学 into the second year professional program comes at the conclusion of the first year of the pre-professional program and is based upon demonstrated professional interest and involvement, a 3.院校累积GPA, 所有主要核心要求的最低成绩为C, 还有学生作品集. 学生必须保持3.0 minimum cumulative GPA requirement and a grade of C or better in all major core requirements throughout the remainder of the program.


All students are required to purchase a laptop computer prior to starting the program. 学生 必须符合规定 与计算机要求张贴在程序网站上. 不符合规定的计算机将不受支持.


The interior design program at NDSU is accredited by the Council for 室内设计 认证 (CIDA) and received re-accreditation in 2016. The program is also accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NSAD).


Three main career paths are typically chosen by the design professional include residential, 商业, 专业化设计. 住宅设计包括厨房和浴室的设计, 残疾人士翻新服务, 样板房或历史修复. 商业设计包括公司和行政办公室, 医疗保健, 零售设施, 交通制度, 以及招待和娱乐场所. 其他专业设计领域包括照明, 代码, 通用设计, 适应性重用, 产品设计或产品表现.

Opportunities for NDSU graduates vary according to the geographic area of practice and the responsibilities of specific positions. Recent graduates have accepted entry-level positions with starting salaries as high as $50,000(明尼阿波利斯).


NDSU students participate locally in the student chapter of the American Society of 室内设计师s (ASID). 学生 also have the opportunity to participate in the North Dakota 室内设计师s (NDID) organization. A number of professionals visit campus each year to present programs and informational seminars to students. 计划去设计工作室, architectural firms and product markets to supplement course work. NDSU interior design students are encouraged to enter design competitions and have experienced a very high success rate.


NDSU facilities and instructional amenities are among the finest in the Upper-Midwest. The 室内设计 Resource Center is well equipped with current samples and a virtual product library. Studios provide individual workstations and tools necessary to complete successful design solutions.


NDSU faculty hold terminal degrees in interior design or related fields and have been selected because of their individual and collective experience as interior designers and their commitment to teaching. 他们都是专业设计相关组织的成员.


提供了建议课程. 其他通识教育组合也是可能的, but the eight sequential semesters beginning with the fall term of interior design courses cannot vary from this plan. 学生 who plan to transfer to NDSU should contact the 室内设计 Program Coordinator for guidance in selecting courses before or during the first-year sequence.